In this article: "How to Protect Your Property and Secure Your Home [with an Alarm System]", we cover topics including: home security devices, choosing an alarm system and the benefits of having a dedicated alarm system. CATEGORY: HOME INSURANCE | SECURITY How to Protect Your Property and Secure Your Home [with an Alarm System] CONTENTS
OverviewOVERVIEW An alarm system is a great way to protect your property from theft. It also serves to save money on your insurance premiums. Alarm systems come in many different configurations. Simple Siren DevicesSIMPLE SIREN DEVICES At the most basic level, there are simple siren devices that you can attach to a door, which will emanate a loud siren when the door opens. This is a rudimentary setup, but it could be effective to scare off an intruder. At worst, it may just annoy them into leaving your property. Alarm System that Connects to a Reporting StationALARM SYSTEM THAT CONNECTS TO A REPORTING STATION A more advanced system will connect with a central reporting station, and will give warnings for break-ins or fires. This advanced alarm system can even work in tandem with flood alarms and power outage alarms. Modern Systems that Work with Surveillance CameraMODERN SYSTEMS THAT WORK WITH SURVEILLANCE CAMERA Modern systems also now have many options for internet monitoring of your alarm system. This can work with a surveillance camera setup, which can feed live to a website that you can see remotely. These systems could be set up to email you or send a text message to your phone when there's a triggering event, such as a motion sensor trigger or other breach. In addition to notifying you, it will also alert the local police or fire department as well. Stout Locking MechanismSTOUT LOCKING MECHANISM A stout locking mechanism is of paramount importance. Deadbolts are necessary on all exterior doors, and in particular, your garage. Keep in mind that your garage could be your most vulnerable access point. You should, therefore, secure your garage as well as you can. Solid locks and deadbolts, and basic siren setups are good ways to frustrate criminals because it will slow down their efforts to enter your home. This will help prevent causing damage to your property and taking your hard-earned money and other belongings. Bear in mind that thieves are familiar with various door styles. They can tell, most likely, which doors of houses they can easily get into. Some criminals will breach a lock to pursue their own interests. Criminals will avoid your home if they realize you have a powerful alarm system in place. Choosing an Alarm SystemCHOOSING AN ALARM SYSTEM Purchasing and installing an alarm system is only the first step. You (and even the insurance company) will want to make sure that your alarm system is working properly and that the system can alert the proper authorities. On that note, it is imperative to choose the right alarm system that you will install in your home. Some factors to consider include: the kind of property you have (Is it an attached unit or a detached residential property?); your neighbourhood, community and many other environmental factors. You must do your research and due diligence. ConclusionCONCLUSION: HAVE A DEDICATED ALARM SYSTEM IN YOUR HOME Ultimately, having a proper alarm system will go a long way in protecting your property and deterring crimes. A homeowner's insurance company can offer a discount for having a dedicated alarm system installed in your home. A homeowner can present some form of certificate or sales invoice proving that the home has an actual installation of the alarm system.
Some homeowners have a monthly service contract with an alarm company. Essentially, homeowners can also have peace of mind in knowing that their home has an alarm system in place. |
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